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Sonic brushstrokes for your next blank canvas

  • Overview
  • Listen
  • Walkthrough
  • What's included
  • Tech specs
  • Sonic brushstrokes for your next blank canvas

    A love letter to 150 years of Impressionist art, our latest creation offers a brightly hued palette of instrumental sounds to inspire your next masterpiece. Designed to be your track-one go to, Impressionism enlivens the blank canvas under impasto daubs of brass; pastel washes of strings and woodwinds, shimmering touches of harps and vibraphones; and fine-tipped trills, clouds, and atonal clusters — all layered in with the turn of a mod wheel.

    “Just as we have our own particular emotions, so we
have our own beauty.”

    Charles Baudelaire

    Comprising uniquely expressive performances from some of the UK’s leading instrumentalists, Impressionism’s sounds overflow with vibrant shades of emotion. Unorthodox combinations of instruments swirl together, with each note evolving across three distinct phases to create fluid, delicate brushstrokes of sound.

    Impressionism is less a means for applying fine detail and finishing touches to your music than a powerful toolkit for quickly and directly capturing the emotions that inspire it. It is a totally unique toolkit for creating beautiful musical shapes, textures and gestures.

    • Hard drive delivery available at checkout
    • You can buy now and download any time

    Our dedicated plugin

    Listen to Impressionism

    Adhering to the radical ethos of Monet, Van Gogh, Morisot, Renoir and others, Impressionism is designed to translate the most fleeting of thoughts and feelings into sound. Much as the early Impressionists rejected the prevailing norms of the late-nineteenth century art world, Impressionism turns its back on notions of rigid compositional rules in favour of quick creativity and intuitive expression. Add it to the top of your template and instantly begin outlining an evocative sonic background that conjures immediate inspiration.

    Unconventional both in articulation and instrumentation, Impressionism blends diverse textures in instrumental sound from across the orchestra and beyond. It layers evolving, three-part stories for each note you play: first, a short, percussive attack, akin to the tentative touching of brush to canvas. Then comes a soft swell, the sonic embodiment of a thick smear of oil paint.
    And finally the sustain — the delicate, lingering brushstroke that gives each sound so much of its unique character.

    Each segment can be remixed individually (or silenced completely, should you choose) and a suite of in-built effects and additional time controls give you the ability to fine-tune each blend to your liking.

    Smc0733 Ui

    Impressionism’s Diverge control creates space for happy accidents, allowing evocative trills and melodic phrases to shine through the mix. With a twist of the mod wheel, new layers of flutes, harps, violins, and more begin to emerge and intertwine.

    Our Scale Mode technology intelligently keeps everything in key and, with the new “Played” option, Impressionism follows along with your performance, automatically identifying and applying the correct scale so you can focus on following the feeling.

    Smc0733 Quote

    What's included


    92 fine-tuned bespoke instrument combinations


    • 2 Viola
    • 2 Celli
    • Double Bass
    • 2 Flutes
    • 2 Bass Flutes
    • 3 Clarinets
    • 2 Bass Clarients
    • 2 Clarinets
    • 2 Bass Clarinets
    • Contrabass Clarinet
    • Trombone
    • Contrabass Trombone
    • Tuba
    • Contrabass Tuba
    • Tenor Sax
    • Celeste
    • Harp
    • Vibraphone

    Articulations Recorded*

    • Short percussive articulations per instrument (straight, tremolo, pizzicato)
    • Swell articulations per instrument (straight, tremolo, trill, cloud)
    • Long articulations per instrument (straight, tremolo, trill, atonal cluster, cloud)

    *where relevant for each instrument



    Comprising uniquely expressive performances from some of the UK’s leading instrumentalists, Impressionism’s sounds overflow with vibrant shades of emotion. Unorthodox combinations of instruments swirl together, with each note evolving across three distinct phases to create fluid, delicate brushstrokes of sound. 

    Impressionism is less a means for applying fine detail and finishing touches to your music than a powerful toolkit for quickly and directly capturing the emotions that inspire it. It is a totally unique toolkit for creating beautiful musical shapes, textures and gestures.



    Impressionism’s recording sessions were captured in the crisp, dry environs of Air Studios Studio One, allowing you to position the instrumentalists in the sonic setting of your choice using the included impulse responses. We encouraged all the performers to probe the boundaries of their instruments and employ unconventional articulations in search of musical emulations to the Impressionists’ instinctive brushstrokes. Every nuance of each performance was captured in exacting, intimate detail through a vintage, analogue signal chain, resulting in samples that positively drip with tonal colour and character.

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    Tech specs

    Mac system requirements

    MACOS 11 - 14

    Minimum: 2.8GHz i5 minimum (quad-core), 8GB RAM.

    Recommended: 2.8GHz i7 (six-core), 16GB RAM.

    M1 Apple computers are supported and 64 bit DAW required.

    (32 bit DAWs not supported)

    PC system requirements

    Windows 10 and Windows 11. (latest Service Pack, 64-bit)

    Minimum: Intel Core 2.8GHz i5 (quad-core) or AMD Ryzen 5, 8GB RAM

    Recommended: Intel 2.8GHz i7 (six-core) or AMD Ryzen 7, 16GB RAM

    (32 bit DAWs not supported)

    File size

    Download Size ~3.70 GB

    Dedicated plugin (AU, VST2, VST3, AAX)


    • Scale Mode now initialises properly without having to open the UI.

    Impressionism sounds great with…